How to prepare for a home birth
TMM's birthing expert, doula and hypnobirthing coach, Laura Berkeley share's her top tips of the items you might like to consider when planning to birth at home.
Homebirth Checklist
- Antenatal course workbook/pdf
- Copy of your birth preferences – x 2. Laminated if possible
- Your maternity notes – to hand when your care providers arrive
- Music & guided relaxation tracks – Cd’s, mp3’s, audio tracks
- Headphones
- Speaker - plus charger to hand
- Birth ball
- Peanut ball
- Birth stool - optional
- Rebozo scarf – optional. Ask your doula or midwife if they are experienced in using a rebozo. Rebozo techniques are incredible for comfort & supporting optimal positioning
- Candles – real or battery operated. If you are using real candles then they need to be a safe distance from the gas & air cylinder or ask your midwives to place the gas in another room/leave in their car
- Homeopathic remedies – either as pills or diluted in water (pre made before labour)
- Aromatherapy oils - diffuser/burner/on a flannel or cloth. If you are diffusing oils then ensure they are removed from your birth space once your baby is born
- Birth pool – you can hire or buy birth pools & full birth pool kits which contain most of the items below. Check out your local home birth groups on social media where often people have pools to loan. If you decide to buy one they make a great paddling pool:
- The pool itself
- New pool liner (if you are hiring you ideally need a new liner for hygiene reasons.) They are about £25
- Hose long enough to reach your taps
- Adapters to fit your taps if needed – some tap/hose connectors don’t always fit so do have a trial run & check before the day & purchase the correct one in advance from a local hardware store.
- Tarpaulin or waterproof covering to go under & around pool as well as cover furniture/carpets. You might want a couple. Clear or light coloured shower curtains are often more appealing than bright blue tarpaulins
- Sieve
- Thermometer to keep an eye on the water temperature which must be kept at 37 degrees
- Matting - underneath your pool if you require extra padding (optional)
- Clean Bucket – to scoop out water & refill with warm/cold
- Clean container/large bowl - for the placenta. Sitting on the toilet & placing the bowl in the pan is a great place to release the placenta if it doesn’t appear to be coming easily as your mind & body naturally expel here
- Plastic shower curtains or tarpaulin - for covering floors, sofas etc
- LOTS of towels – 10 or more. Used for you, baby & other things
- Food/snacks for labour
- Food/snacks/drinks for your midwives/doula & birth partner/s – a mix of savoury & sweet
- Drinks – water bottle with long extendable straw
- Ice cubes/ice lollies – to suck on or instead of drinks. Frozen coconut water is great for hydration & energy due to containing electrolytes
- Massage oil – coconut or cold pressed organic sunflower for massage during labour
- Affirmation cards, posters/pictures/photos - up on the walls & around you for positivity & oxytocin boosting
- Fairy lights/lamps/soft warm lighting – think magical & romantic. Dim lighting & the feeling of love/warmth help boost your oxytocin
- A fan – plug in or hand held incase you feel hot as hormones ramp up or if you are in the pool. If using an electrical fan ensure it’s not placed too near your pool for safety
- Plug in heater or access to heating easily – you can get cold after birth when adrenalin might kick in. You want to keep the space warm to support the release the placenta & keep baby comfortable as they have been cosy in your womb at a steady temperature
- Oxytocin playlist - songs that make you feel good & happy
- Relaxation playlist – relaxing tracks, guided relaxations, fear release, affirmation tracks etc
- Biological washing powder – for post birth. Cleaning stains, towels, clothing. It’s not as messy as you think
- Dustbin bags – to hand for waste disposal
- Camera & charger/video camera/tripod
- Disposable gloves – (optional) - your midwife/midwives will bring their own
- Hand mirror – if you want to see your baby being born
- Disposable bed mats – (like puppy training pads). Can be thrown away easily & absorbent of fluids. Great for carpets, beds & sofas but be careful not to slip
- Cord tie – if you are providing your own cotton tie
- Jug – to have water poured over your shoulders whilst in the pool/shower & for post birth toilet trips to dilute your urine, soothing for your perineum
- A “just incase bag” - if you decide to go to the hospital at any point or need to be transferred (always your choice)
- Post birth box - with all the essential items you will need to access quickly & easily:
- Sanitary towels
- Knickers
- Nightdress or pj’s with front opening for feeding & skin to skin
- Dressing gown
- Blanket
- Nursing Bra
- Breast pads
- Hair bands/clips
- Lip balm
- Snacks
A baby box is also handy rather than your birth partner having to rummage for essentials:
- Cord tie
- Vests (several sizes)
- Baby grows/sleepsuits
- A soft towel
- Nappies
- Wipes or cotton wool
- Muslin
- Blanket